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    Questions Category

    • This module is used to display Questions category with an accordion style. There are various parameters that can be set at the backend.

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    User Questions

    • This is a module for Questions component where you can show top contributors to Questions component. You can show Top Users by point or best chosen answers etc. Various additional parameters are there in the module which can be modified to suit your requirements.

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    Ordering Questions

    • This is a Joomla Module that can sort Questions by Views, Submission Date or in a random way. Very Useful Module and would be interesting for your viewers. This comes with both Joomla 2.5 and Joomla 3.0 Version. First unzip and than install the respective modules.

      Unsafe Code removed like DS in version 1.0.0

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    Advertizer Module

    • This Module can be used to display Ads from Google and Bidvertiser in any module position. You have many options to display an add. There are various formats and various styles. Just download and install it to check for yourself.

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    Questions tag Module

    • This Module displays Question tags in a much better style. It has lots of effects. Only if you purchase and install you will come to know how beautiful it can make your site.

      Kindly note:- This requires questions Component.